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The Self-Assembled by Oceanallover

Almost three years ago, I was initiated to Oceanallover's creative rites for a project that transfigured me; a togetherness blended with poetically made-up words, open natural horizons, mud, laughter, making music as if it was a board-game, pagan-like movement, different tables assembled together for shared meals, Maga The Dog; an almost surreal circus of statuesque beauty emerging in cities and villages and coming across all these stunned paired of eyes asking each other what is this.

Well, this will all make sense on the 1st April in Drygate, Glasgow, in the first major retrospective and celebration of performer, choreographer and artist Tracy Alexander Rigg. The Self Assembled is an immersive evening of theatre performance and global beats with live music from Glasgow based Samson Sounds, prominent sub-bass frequencies from electronic music pioneer DJ N-TYPE with dubstep legend SGT Pokes. A medley of movement, costume and performance celebrating four decades of the wondrous work of Oceanallover.

I am immensely excited to be part of it and deeply moved to have the chance to get together with all these wonderful people again. Here are two pieces that I somehow lead and please, feel free to listen to the unique tracks this group has made over the years.

Photographs by Brian Hartley.

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